Here’s a picture of today’s harvest from my garden. I believe I will start with the raspberries. In fact, those don't usually make it as far as the house!
Do you listen to your body about what it wants to eat? I mean, really listen? It takes a bit of attention to get past the noise of being rushed and depleted, responding to images or habits on auto-pilot.
When was the last time you felt truly hungry for something, and then had it, and felt satisfied? I believe that is the healthiest kind of eating we can do.
There are so many schools of thought about what to eat and what to avoid. You may have lots of judgements and programming inside yourself about it. Not to mention that we are all exposed to constant advertisements meant to manipulate our appetites. Get out of your head!
You may have to stop running for a bit and just sit with yourself, maybe hold yourself, literally put your hands on your belly. What does your body really need? Give it time, maybe first you just need to sit quietly for a while. Got a porch or a quiet corner by a window? Some answers can’t be rushed.
I am not telling you what to eat. Or what not to eat. Please don’t use this message to feed those old voices of criticism and judgment. Go back to listening. And resting. Not rushing. Giving time and attention to nurturing and caring for yourself. Your body will begin to tell you what it needs. And listening to that is a true form of nourishment.
This may feel challenging for you. If so, that is something that we can work with. A client of mine came with debilitating stomach pain and lack of appetite. Through the course of treatment, her pain went away except for occasional bouts and her appetite returned. In fact, she began to listen to, and trust her body's messages, which ended up being a big benefit that went beyond eating and digesting food!