
Are you yearning for…..?

A trusted and wise circle of healers who can help each other to grow into our full power and capacity for bringing healing to a world in need.

To be in a circle that values each individual’s path towards their medicine and understands the need for balance and support along the way.


  • The juggling of practice/life/side-work/family and all of life’s demands in ways that give us space to practice vibrantly.

  • Creating boundaries that increase safety and comfort for both practitioner and client.

  • Expanding boundaries - stretching into a wider audience, a braver voice, an enhanced offering.

  • The dance between the healing impact of our own vulnerability vs. the clarifying, impersonal nature of offering healing work.

  • The interplay between method and intuition.


Over the years, there have been so many times I’ve turned to a mentor or friend to work through some of the questions or insecurities I’ve faced. Or oftentimes just dug through it on my own and eventually came up with a way that worked better for me. I’ve benefitted so much from the help and compassionate listening I’ve received! I hope you will too.

I’m not here to tell you how to practice - although I’m happy to share what has worked for me.

I’m here to offer a welcoming place - an Open Circle - for building friendships and sharing wisdom in a non-judgmental, non-hierarchical space, where each member can seek their authentic and joyful practitioner self.

Open Circle for Heartfelt Practitioners

Here’s how we will start….

Monthly Open Circle for Heartfelt Practitioners

WHEN: 4th Tuesdays of the month, from 6:30PM-8pm ET


Cost: Pay-From-the-Heart (Anywhere from $15 to $35…If it needs to be less, just ask!)

Payment options:

  • Check

  • Venmo @Doren-Day

  • Paypal - @DorenDay75 OR by clicking on a meeting date below

Upcoming 2022 Open Circle Meetings

Click on a date below to reserve your spot!

January 25, 2022

FEBRUARY 22, 2022

MARCH 22, 2022

April 26, 2022
May 24, 2022

Our community is growing! Do you know someone we should include? Just send a note to: doren@dorenday.com