How I Work


Personal Attention is essential.

You are not the same as everyone else, even if they have what sounds like the same condition. In my practice, I listen closely in order to understand fully what is happening for you. Your physical symptoms matter, and how they are affecting your life matters too. You will have my full attention during your entire session each time you come.  

Healing happens from the inside out.

Conventional medicine is often about reducing symptoms - basically getting you to stop noticing them even though their source maybe continue.  But healing - actually recovering from the problems -happens first inside you and at the source of the problem and then the symptoms go away because they are not being generated anymore. By working with your energy and clearing energy blocks, imbalances and depletion, we get to the root cause of symptoms that are showing up physically or emotionally.

Five Element Acupuncture is based on the understanding that the cycles and patterns of nature are also reflected within our bodies and selves. By noticing areas of blockage or depletion, and assisting the natural flow, we can gently but powerfully improve your health. Click here to learn more about the Five Elements. I also use bodywork and other energy balancing methods to help you find true health.

Emotional balance is a key part of health.

Many - in fact most - styles of medicine ignore the emotions. But is it the emotions that set the tone and create the physiological conditions under which our body operates. Chronic stress, sadness, anger, grief, worry or fear has a strong impact on the body. My work deals directly with the emotions as well as the physical symptoms and brings support on both levels.

Relaxation and Grounding support healing and change.

A healthy person is relaxed, grounded and energized. We are often told to relax, but never given instructions in how! Each session with me will leave you deeply relaxed and give your body and energy systems  training in how to reset to a better flow, so you feel more grounded and more relaxed in life, which has innumerable benefits for your health. You will also be given exercises and practices to develop your own ability to relax and counteract stress more easily and efficiently.

To hear how this has worked for some of my clients click on Real Stories