

That’s what we need to get through times like these. And, wow! - this world can really take a toll on our spirits. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to strengthen ourselves and each other to have heart in these soul crushing times?

Surprisingly - and this is still mysterious to me after many years of practicing - acupuncture can bring direct support to your spirit. Let me explain. By spirit, I don’t mean spiritual. What you believe, or don’t, is not the issue. In acupuncture, we see spirit as one of the innate aspects of being a human. It is that part of you that engages with life. 

How much spark do you have to face the day when you wake up in the morning? 

Does something in you rise to meet the challenges you face? 

That aspect of each of us, is what we call "spirit", and early in the discovery of acupuncture, it was found that certain acupuncture points strengthen and help build a person’s spirit. I see it happening everyday in my practice.

Oftentimes, this can make the difference between someone recovering from an illness or symptom or not. It has been known for all time, in all kinds of medicine, and proven through research, that the level of hope and good outlook a patient has directly affects their outcome. The hidden gem within Five Element Acupuncture is the ability to support and stoke that inner sense of hope and spirit.

We all need this so much. This is what got me into practicing Five Element Acupuncture in the first place - I saw the difference in someone’s spirit before and after their treatment. I couldn’t fully name it at the time, but I knew there was light in their eyes where there hadn’t been before.


I love doing this work in my private practice, and I’m happy to help the people who come to me. I love to teach it at the acupuncture school and support new practitioners to include this perspective in their work. But it is time for this to be available to more people. You might like to understand how to use this for yourself. You might want to be able to help your friends and others who need support. Not everybody can go to acupuncture school. But this kind of support should be available to everybody.


I’m considering developing an in-depth course for those who would like to practice healing in this way. If you are interested please be in touch with me to hear more. To begin with, please join me for an introductory course on the special points that support and strengthen the spirit.


six points for restoring the spirit

November 14th

 4-6pm on Zoom

$50  (scholarships available)
To register, send tuition to me at PayPal ( or Venmo (doren-day) and you will be sent a Zoom link

We need all of us to pull together, to stay strong enough to envision and work towards a better world. Maybe it is time for you to step into your own healing, and perhaps to offer healing to others as well.

With heart,