Water in the Summer

In the heat of the summer what helps you cool off? Water. At this time of year we are finding any excuse to get in the water - at the pool, the creek, the ocean, the sprinkler. Our bodies are also busy managing our internal balance of water - vital for temperature regulation as well as basically all other functions.

So, even though the season associated with the Water Element is winter, it’s also really important at this time of year. We all have all of the Elements functioning in us all the time. And it’s interesting to see how they interact with each other. In this case, as we say in Asian Medicine, “Water Controls Fire” and we can feel that as we take a dive into the pool on a hot day.

What we learn from the Water Element during its season of winter, is how to manage our resources well. We need to wisely conserve our resources to get ourselves through times of cold or scarcity.

And in the summer, we can often be helped by tempering some of our excitement and summer celebrations with some of the wisdom and conservation that our Water Element provides.

Listen to your body when it tells you that you’re tired. Respond to your thirst with plenty of cool (not iced) water or other fluids. Enjoy your activities and gatherings and summer events - but leave time to rest and catch up on sleep too.

Hoping that you are enjoying your summer, and finding times to enjoy the water, and the Water Element too.