Spring is a time when things come alive. I want to keep growing and coming alive too! I do that by learning new things. Seeing a new skill develop is like watching the flowers come up in the spring soil. What new skills are you cultivating?Here’s an…

Spring is a time when things come alive. I want to keep growing and coming alive too! I do that by learning new things. Seeing a new skill develop is like watching the flowers come up in the spring soil. What new skills are you cultivating?

Here’s an example of a new Zero Balancing skill I’m developing.. working with babies.

I was invited to assist my teacher, Judith Sullivan, with a Zero Balancing session on twin premature infants. I was observing her carefully as she worked with the more difficult case. I was working on baby “M”. He was doing pretty well, except that his mother mentioned he hadn’t been turning his head to the left. He would track her around the room but not when she was on his left.

My hands found his collarbones and noticed some energy releasing there. It felt just like when energy moves on my adult clients that I treat each day. As it released from one area, I would move further along the bone and hold it as more energy released there. After I got to the outside edges of his collarbone, baby “M” turned his head all the way to the left! We were all surprised and pleased to see him do that, and he seemed to just want to hang out there a while. I still have a ways to go before I feel fully confident and proficient at working with babies, but that was an encouraging experience.

I’m also taking a class to learn more about how trauma can resolve through acupuncture treatment. This has been a passion of mine for a while now, and while I’m still learning, I’ve seen some good results already.

What are you learning or wanting to discover? Have you had any encouraging new beginnings lately?

Spring is the season associated with the Wood Element in Five Element Acupuncture. The Wood Element is responsible for our growth and movement as well as our planning and creativity. 

Want to plant some new ideas?

I'll be teaching two workshops on Spring and the Wood Element, come to either or both! Saturday, April 15, from 1-2:30 at Healings Arts Collective or Friday, April 21 from 6:30-8:30 at Nava Yoga. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you the link to register.

As Spring comes in, it can be a big adjustment for our own energy. Do you get spring fever? Feel a certain agitation or even overwhelm? Or do you get uplifted and just want to make the most of an influx of ideas and motivation? Five Element treatment can really help you find your flow and make the most of this season and it’s possibilities.

Happy growing!